On Fri, Jul  7, 2006 at 09:53:36 +0200, Seemant Kulleen wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I just wanted to put a few thoughts out there as people contemplate
> nominees and the elections for the Gentoo Council.  I personally am on
> the fence about running this year, because I think there are a lot of
> talented people who *should* be on the council.
> Now that I've said that (the "*should*" bit), let me expand on its
> meaning a little.  I think the Council idea is great.  However, I think
> the Council should be charged with a little bit of direction-setting and
> leadership as well.  In the past year, the council did make some
> decisions, and helped to mediate some controversial issues. 
> There were a couple of things which I thought were lacking, however:
> 1. The council was (by design?) a reactive force, rather than a
> pro-active force.
> 2. There's no way to follow through on the Council's decisions.
> I think these points involve *every* gentoo developer (and would-be
> developer) and not just the Council.  If you have a GLEP or an idea and
> it gets approved by the council, now what?  That's the thing: follow
> through on it! A question is, perhaps, should the council follow-up with
> previously approved GLEPs and inquire as to status updates?
> For an exemplar of the way I think the council should be is
> Spanky/vapier.  Solar also does this well.  Both of them take a
> leadership role in general in the project and are generally respected
> and admired for it.  They both have great ideas and a vision.  I think
> that should be explored further.  This project needs some leadership, as
> the events of the past few months show fairly clearly.

Encouraged by this email and hoping that it is ok to do so, I will
nominate myself.

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