On Wednesday 14 June 2006 23:50, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-06-14 at 17:04 -0400, Michael Cummings wrote:
> > The gripe in this respect is that we have developers (who don't respond
> > to emails, friendly or otherwise) that will dump packages into dev-perl,
> > copy a metadata.xml from another pkg, and leave it as is - and since we
> > (perl project folks) use a stock metadata.xml listing perl as the herd,
> > and [EMAIL PROTECTED] as maintainer, that means we get stuck with the
> > package. It sucks because you get bugs for badly written ebuilds and
> > your only trace of how it got there is either the ChangeLog (if you're
> > lucky) or the cvs log (had to resort to that once or twice too) - and in
> > the end, the bugger doesn't care who's package it is, they want it
> > fixed, and its not their fault for filing a bug, so you grind on and
> > take care of it.
> That's the thing.  That developer is wrong, and has done something
> wrong.  I see nothing wrong with listing perl as the herd, *only* if
> they have themselves as the maintainer.

Only with perl consent. The perl herd then gets the responsibility to take 
over if the maintainer leaves, is unavailable, etc.

> Not exactly...
> Notice it says that a package is a member of a herd, not a person.  A
> herd can have one or more projects responsible for maintaining the
> packages in it.  In *most* cases, the group of developers responsible
> for a given herd either have an alias that matches the herd, or are a
> project with a similar alias.
> > > To make it pretty clear and explicit - bugs gets assigned to
> > > <maintainer> (if there's any in metadata.xml), and get CCed to <herd>
> > > (if there's any in metadata.xml). If there's no <maintainer>, whoever
> > > is in <herd> will get that bug assigned and can happily smack you <>
> > > once they've find out you've dumped the package on them without their
> > > knowledge...
> >
> > he does appear to be correctly quoting the documentation on the site.
> That's where I disagree.  His practice is correct.  It should be
> assigned to the maintainers of the herd, if no maintainer is listed, but
> a herd is *not* a group of developers.  It is a group of packages, with
> developers that maintain that group.

Nowhere did I write (nor was it agreed then) that herd membership should be 
automatic. The bug wranglers seem to be doing the right thing. Assign to 
maintainer, CC the herd email address.

> > And we can't blame the bug wranglers for following this documentation -
> > we either update it or accept that that's what we have published to date.
> Except that what I am saying is what the documentation says, and also
> the intention of the documentation, as stated by some of the people who
> wrote it, back when we had the whole "herds vs. teams" thread.

The reason there should always be a herd is very simple. People leave, groups 
of people leave less, and can be replenished.


Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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