Pardon the spam, but correcting a misstatement on my part-

On Mon, Aug 07, 2006 at 09:41:39PM -0700, Brian Harring wrote:
> I know of selinux, and multilib- all that are effectively features, 
> and exist in the use conditional namespace because they
> unfortunately straddle both (same issue with FEATURES=test).
> So... two flags I can think of, and it requires recording the setting 
> in multiple spots (features, use, and now use.force).
> How is this improving it really?  It blocks people from disabling 
> automatic pulling in of selinux policies, presumably trying to prevent 
> them *accidentally* disabling it.
> If the target is those flags... this patch doesn't really cut it 
> either.
> Said patch is actually atom -> flags forcing, not global forcing.

A chunk of the patch actually supports flat out global forcing, thus 
this particular critique is invalid (the package.* stuff stands still 

Would blame me just misreading the diff, but I think the real culprit
is Adult Swim showing Pee Wee's playhouse for rotting the brain 
instead ;)


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