Bryan Ãstergaard wrote:
> Ok, let me see if I can get this straight.. You're saying that
> maintainer-needed requires less communication overhead compared to
> ebuilds with maintainers assigned? And that maintainer-needed is
> therefore better than ebuilds having maintainers.

agreed. I prefer to fix ebuilds in maintainer-needed than maintained ebuilds
because communication takes eternally compared to fixing simple things

>> the committer in this case has no interest in maintaining the thing. And
>> for proxying it does not matter who is proxying.
> Of course it matters. There's a big difference between a proxy
> maintainer having to ask a *specific* dev that's proxying his ebuild
> updates/changes or trying to find a random dev willing to help.

I will of course commit all fixes when anyone asks me to. But it does not
matter if I commit them or anyone else who cares and has access levels.

>> this does not allow the actual maintainer to close the bug and causes a
>> lot of bugspam for a person who does not care about it and should be only
>> contacted in the end to commit fixes/patches/bumps.
> Shouldn't matter too much as a gentoo dev is still responsible for the
> package? 

of course he is still responsible. Does not mean he likes to get 10 mails
about people asking for stable keywords and arches stabilizing every month.

> Nobody shoud be adding stuff to portage without taking 
> responsibility for it.

I am not adding stuff. I am fixing existing packages. And I am taking
responsibility. The maintainer can always assign me bugs if he thinks I
should take care of them and I read and take care of them anyway because I
am on maintainer-needed.

- Stefan

PS: mailing lists are a bit broken. 3 people answer me and ask almost the
same and I answer almost the same again ..

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