Peter Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Mon, 09
Oct 2006 23:57:54 +0200:

> It was only a suggestion, not a decision. Of course, there are only a
> little number of this early systems.
> i686 would be really nice, i386 would be nice, too ;-)

Anybody doing Gentoo on even a Pentium original is going to be compiling
for awhile unless they do GRP only, and that's inadvised as GRP isn't
security updated until the next release, six months later!  A couple years
ago when I first started with Gentoo and was on the main user list, I
believe I saw a thread where a couple folks claimed to have done it on 486
mainly to be able to say they'd done so, taking weeks of course to do it,
even compiling 24/7, but a 386?  IMO there are better ways to spend your
years...  <g>

Personally, I'd say 686 is the lowest reasonable to support at this point.
Below that, try an appropriate binary distribution and save the days/weeks
of compiling.  Of course, Gentoo is highly customizable, and folks could
try it on 386 if they wanted, but I don't believe it's worth supporting
below 686 at this point.  That's personally.  I'm sure there are folks
that would argue we should at least support 586, but I simply don't
believe it's worth it.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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