Christel Dahlskjaer wrote:
> Hiya all, 
> As some of you are already aware, I was at the last Council meeting
> given a Task. This Task was to draft a proposed Code of Conduct for
> Gentoo, and a scheme for enforcing it. The current version of this
> proposal can be found at
> comments and suggestions both on- and off-list are appreciated.
> Any input will have to be received by Thursday, 15 March, 1200GMT in
> order to be useful; the Council will be voting on it later that day at
> 2100UTC.

The document makes no mention of who 'The Proctors' are.  My first
reading says this is partly by design; but I would like to clarify that
part (ie; the appointment of proctors is outside the scope of this

The document makes no mention of what 'Gentoo Official Communication
Infrastructure' is.  Does it include the forums?  Does it include all of
IRC, some of IRC, etc.  I don't wish for you to enumerate it in the
document; that would be a PITA for you to maintain.  My primary concern
(as a former #gentoo op and a guy who reads the forum occasionally) is
that if you are attempting to enforce this on the forums and on bits of
IRC that they know you plan on doing so so they can mend their policies
accordingly.  IE I don't want to hear about how person Foo got banned on
the forums for this magical new policy when the forums policy is still
old, etc...

The document refers to warnings but doesn't describe who they are
supposed to be from.  Are these warnings from the Proctor, from a dev,
from a user?

I guess in relation to my other point about; does this affect only main
ML's or all Gentoo ML's?  I have seen points of abuse on other mailing
lists but I figured that most..what I'll term "project-ML's" are
relatively self-policing (similarly to their #gentoo-<project> irc
counterparts).  I am wondering if this document is meant to smooth
things over on the other ML's as well.

I think that sums up all the real policy concerns I have; thanks for

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