On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 16:05:10 -0700
"Robin H. Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 04:09:53PM -0500, Grant Goodyear wrote:
> > * Can we find a better name than "the Proctors", please?
> >   Yes, that's a completely petty point, but it was the first
> >   one that came to mind.
> Suggestions welcome. We were stuck for other suitable names, and it
> was my own suggestion for proctors, based on the dictionary
> definition: "an official charged with various duties, esp. with the
> maintenance of good order." [1]

"Communication supervisors" seems like a good fit to me. At least
better than some random term from a dictionary nobody has ever
heard before.

> > > Any input will have to be received by Thursday, 15 March, 1200GMT
> > > in order to be useful; the Council will be voting on it later
> > > that day at 2100UTC.
> > * I understand the desire to act quickly, so that it appears that
> > Gentoo is doing something about this problem.  However, I agree
> > with those who think that a few days isn't really enough time for
> > an adequate discussion.  For this sort of policy to be effective,
> > devs need to agree with it.  The Council can still make temporary
> > rules on Thursday while allowing the rest of the process to occur
> > more leisurely. 
> As the council, you have charged us with ensuring a technical
> direction for Gentoo. We are working on it, we really are. In the
> meantime, we saying that the buck stops here, because right now,
> Gentoo is being seriously damaged as a distribution.
> If these rules don't help matters in the short term, please really do
> bring another proposal (some hybrid of the Ubuntu CoC even), either
> to us, or the council that succeeds us.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see how your reply adresses
Grants concern. Why does this have to be rushed so quickly? Just to
"fight" the bad PR caused by the distrowatch article?
I think it's clear by now that the presented draft has some major flaws
(namely the definition of "we" and the scope), so at least another
review round would be in order, and the given timeframe ends in just 36
hours. If you don't see the concern here then I'm not sure why this has
been open for comments in the first place.


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