On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 16:38:20 +0100 "Ioannis Aslanidis"
> Ciaran, honestly and without any offense intention, what would be your
> answers to the questions you formulated? If you ask all that, assuming
> it's all rethoric, what is your opinion?

My opinion is that screwing over users is outright irresponsible, and
that trying to make people unpersons has no good consequences.

This whole rushed response to a tabloid article is scarily like the
Patriot act. How badly are users going to have to suffer before Gentoo
accepts what its real problems are?

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail                                : ciaranm at ciaranm.org
Web                                 : http://ciaranm.org/
Paludis, the secure package manager : http://paludis.pioto.org/

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