On Sat, Mar 24, 2007 at 06:34:21PM +0100, Kevin F. Quinn wrote:
> People reporting bugs often get annoyed when their bug is marked
> INVALID; especially when they're relatively new to the Gentoo
> Experience.  We've all seen it many times, I'm sure.
But sometimes, just sometimes, the bugs are absolutely 100% invalid. "Emerging
nano broke my apache" (random fake example with two unrelated packages)(or...are
they...?) More important is to explain to the user *why* it is invalid, and
leave it open to them to argue and reopen the bug. Better communication, not
more convoluted closure flags, is the solution. IMHO. You know. Word.



Michael Cummings   |    #gentoo-dev, #gentoo-perl
Gentoo Perl Dev    |    on irc.freenode.net 
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