On Sat, 24 Mar 2007 23:17:52 +0200
Alin Năstac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kevin F. Quinn wrote:
> > The problem I have with NOTABUG is pretty much the same problem I
> > have with INVALID - it's not as severe, but it still does the same
> > thing to the user (i.e. slaps him with a wet fish rather than a
> > frozen one).
> >
> >   
> Maybe, just maybe, the problem is not with the resolution name, but
> with peeps who cannot accept they could be wrong.
> For the most of us, INVALID doesn't mean YOUAREAMORON.

My point is that if someone raises a bug, they clearly have an issue -
if they didn't, they wouldn't have raised a bug.  Closing INVALID is
like saying they never had an issue - when clearly they did have an
issue, even if it was just an issue of understanding.

> A NOTOURBUG resolution would be pointless. I cannot imagine a possible
> scenario in which I could choose such resolution over the existing
> ones. Probably you want it as a replacement for UPSTREAM?

Er, I never suggested NOTOURBUG - as you say we already have UPSTREAM.

Kevin F. Quinn

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