On Sun, 25 Mar 2007, Jakub Moc wrote:
> Kevin F. Quinn napsal(a):
> [snip]
> See, I don't really care how the reporter feels, if something's not a
> bug, then it's not a bug.
In which case it must be a feature, so why not use the keyword FEATURE?

> Don't invent confusing 'politically correct' 
> junk for this just because someone might feel 'offended'.
I think that insufficient people in the open source and free software 
movements realize that in the real world there are differing cultures all of 
whom have differing sensitivities to language constructs.

imnsho it's very important not to cause deliberate offense, because doing so 
perpetuates the idea that FOSS movement people are an unpleasant bunch of 
individuals. This causes users to make the choice of using computer products 
from elsewhere, and developers to spend their free time doing other things.


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