Christopher Sawtell wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Mar 2007, Jakub Moc wrote:
>> Kevin F. Quinn napsal(a):
>> [snip]
>> See, I don't really care how the reporter feels, if something's not a
>> bug, then it's not a bug.
> In which case it must be a feature, so why not use the keyword FEATURE?
Why would we need a keyword for that? We already have "enhancement" as a
possible value of the severity field.
> imnsho it's very important not to cause deliberate offense, because doing so 
> perpetuates the idea that FOSS movement people are an unpleasant bunch of 
> individuals. This causes users to make the choice of using computer products 
> from elsewhere, and developers to spend their free time doing other things.
FOSS _is_ a bunch of individuals, each with their own agenda. Whether
they're unpleasant or not, it is a subjective issue.

One of the FOSS strengths is always telling the truth, which applied to
invalid bugs translates as closing them with INVALID resolution.
If the reporter takes it as a personal offense, it is by all means his
problem, not ours.

Someone once said (Linus maybe?) "Linux is user-friendly, only chooses
its friends more carefully".

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