Current state: "Deferred"
Wanted state: "Accepted/Implemented" (at least by me)

Open questions from last discussion (March 2006):
- Is it possible/should it be possible to have more than one <maintainer>
- Is recording an upstream-status (active/inactive) a good idea?
    An element: <status>{active/inactive}</status>
    An attribute: <maintainer status="{active/inactive}">...
- Is an additional <doc> element needed to link to upstream docs
- Must the type of <remote-id> be controlled/listed/checked?

My answers to this:
- yes
- yes. Remark: do we need to specify when upstream has to be marked as
active/inactive or can we use our common sense ?
- yes.
- not yet. Can be defined later.

Your oppinion?

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