Please excuse my ignorance if this is a naive comment or has been
brought up before. With all the non amd processors now with 64bit
support. amd64 as a keyword seems a bit odd and off maybe.

What's the possibility of switching amd64 to x86_64?

Unless the work to do that is greater than the value of the change.

I was thinking if portage could be updated to see both as the same arch.
Then we could transition ebuilds at their own pace. No massive changes
to tree.

Not sure how it would play with like

use amd64, if statements, etc

Anyway just a thought. Not one of any importance to me. So feel free to
bash the idea to hell :) Plz not me, I am doing a good job on my own of
writing my own ticket to hell ;)

William L. Thomson Jr.

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