On 29-02-2008 08:12:34 +0100, Ben de Groot wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Bernd Steinhauser wrote:
> |>  Though, if for instance amd64-fbsd would be introduced,
> | Will that happen? (Asking because I might be interested in testing such
> | a setup.)
> I would be interested as well, especially if based on FreeBSD-7.

That already happened, but probably not in the way you're looking for.

> | Wouldn't it be more clean if it is amd64 just like the Linux one?
> | Because the arch basically is the same. I think that
> | amd64(-linux) -- x86_64-fbsd
> | x86(-linux) -- x86-fbsd
> |
> | would be more confusing than
> | amd64(-linux) -- amd64-fbsd
> | x86(-linux) -- x86-fbsd
> I agree, and vote for consistency as well.

Yes, but as mentioned before, my problem is that amd64-macos really
doesn't make any sense to me.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo on a different level
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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