On P, 2008-06-01 at 05:30 +0000, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> This is your monthly friendly reminder !  Same bat time (typically
> the 2nd Thursday at 2000 UTC / 1600 EST), same bat channel
> (#gentoo-council @ irc.freenode.net) !
> If you have something you'd wish for us to chat about, maybe even
> vote on, let us know !  Simply reply to this e-mail for the whole
> Gentoo dev list to see.

I am still waiting on seeing any results or follow-ups on this:

        Can the council help fewer bugs get ignored by arm/sh/s390 teams?
        The work happens, but Mart says it's not communicated to anyone and 
        has no relationship to whether bugs are open.

        We need to understand the workflow of undermanned arch teams and see 
        whether there's anything we can help improve.

        Possibly improving recuitment -- add a good, motivating 
        staffing-needs entry.

I still don't see any staffing needs entry or other methods to solve
this beyond declaring them as dev profiles which doesn't help with the
bugs, and I can't know if any effort has been underway for understanding
the workflow. Without an update, it gives the impression nothing has
been done, which I don't want to believe. I'd appreciate an update - not
necessarily as part of the council agenda, but perhaps just per mail,
with any discussions if any is necessary during the meeting.

Mart Raudsepp
Gentoo Developer
Weblog: http://planet.gentoo.org/developers/leio

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