On 00:11 Wed 11 Jun     , Bo Ørsted Andresen wrote:
> I would like the portage devs to comment upon which of the following features 
> they think could easily be implemented before portage 2.2 goes stable. 

These ones meet the criteria of "I know people are working around them 
because they don't exist yet, and it's annoying and extra work":

> - Use dependencies, it's not clear to me whether we all agree entirely upon
>   the syntax yet though (bugs #2272 and #174406)
> - Custom output names in SRC_URI, also called arrows (bug #177863)
> - Limit values in $USE (bug #176467)
> - GLEP 42 - news items
>   - maint_*, it's not clear to me if this has been fleshed out in sufficient
>     detail yet (bug #185567)
> - default_*, allows an ebuild to redefine phases to add more functionality and
>   then call default_$phase. Currently the default phases are lost when
>   redefining the phases.
> - default for src_install (bug #33544)
> - Ranged dependencies (bug #4315)

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