On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 06:08:20 -0700
Brian Harring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ya know ciaran, I've just got to point out that you spend quite a 
> large amount of time talking about pkgcore.  Literaly- you talk about 
> it more then I do.

Unfortunately, since you don't care about implementing EAPIs
correctly, I have to worry about it. Kinda important to make sure that
PMS is universal, you know...

> Generators aren't at all like the basic repository concept, no sir.

Er, no, they aren't. They're an entirely different model. It's good to
see you're trying to learn how to be a better programmer by avidly
reading everything I write, but please pay more attention. Confusing
generators and repositories is about on par with confusing a spoon and
an apple pie.

> Alternatively, I'll take your tack- eapi1 actually isn't supported by 
> paludis.  Ask me what bug, please, trust me I'll make it entertaining 
> for the gentoo-dev readers.

Ah, but I have unit tests, so I can be confident when I say that we're
correctly implementing the EAPI 1 changes. Unlike you, I don't have
such a high degree of confidence in Paludis contributors' (including
myself) abilities to write perfect code the first time that I let
changes go through without testing to ensure that they work.

Ciaran McCreesh

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