Alexis Ballier kirjoitti:

When EAPI 2 goes live built_with_use should probably die for most

I don't understand here: you mean die like being removed or die like
the die call in an ebuild? If I understood correctly the following it
should be the latter.

Well we could go with either but if there are valid use cases we need to go with the latter.

Are there valid use cases for built_with_use that are not
covered by the use deps in EAPI 2?

I can think of checks like:
- foo is a dep/rdep of bar
- foo has a "plugin like" architecture
- bar will "work" with minimal foo
- most people will expect some features in bar that come with foo's
- we might want to display warnings for the most useful features
- having useflags in bar for each of foo's useflags doesn't seem wise

Ok that's not really a nice example but I can't think of anything
better at the moment.

By the way, how will the --missing option of built_with_use be handled
by eapi 2?


Why should it be any different than what it is now?


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