El dom, 30-11-2008 a las 14:23 +0100, Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò
> I have a very quick proposal: why don't we move the packages' homepage
> in metadata.xml (since it's usually unique for all the versions) and we
> get rid of the variable for the next EAPI version?

> Please submit all comments, as long as they are not "I don't like XML"
> or "XML is the wrong answer" and similar since the point here is not to
> discuss the format of metadata but rather where to have it.

As suggested by Ciaran and Serkan, this could also be achieved with
per-package eclasses [1].

That way, it would be easy to avoid duplication of not only HOMEPAGE but
also SRC_URI, LICENSE, or any other part of an ebuild.

In fact, this idea is already being used in the tree in the form of bash
scripts in ${FILESDIR} that are source'd in the ebuild [2].

[1] https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69714

Santiago Moisés Mola

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