On Wed, 18 Feb 2009 20:01:04 +0100
Alexis Ballier <aball...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > If you really, genuinely think you have a case for compression of
> > docs, backed up with statistics showing that it's a relevant change,
> I fail to see why you need statistics for something that is clearly a
> waste of space, but this could be a start:
> http://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-dev/msg_9018a9f64cd32ba85494887ffe3edf78.xml

Because if you look at the statistics, it's pretty obvious that it's a
stupid idea. If you've got USE=doc, somewhere around 4% of managed
files are in /usr/share/doc, and once you take inode sizes into
account, you can knock that down to about 3% -- and this is for people
who are already turning on a use flag that wouldn't be on on
space-relevant systems.

> > then you should write a proposal for future EAPIs for handling it,
> I don't understand why something that has been there for ages has to
> die. For what I've seen, the major (and only) problem with prepalldocs
> is its definition and I'm sure we can find one that everybody will
> agree with.

Because killing it is better than keeping it. It's solving an
irrelevant problem the wrong way.

> > and you should do it in such a way that it works automatically for
> > all ebuilds, without any developer intervention (but providing some
> > way for ebuilds to disable it where necessary).
> This is probably a good start:
> http://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-dev/msg_eb1f7952eb2f0fe725bde331a4d9ae30.xml

Can you demonstrate that it's even remotely useful?

Ciaran McCreesh

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