Patrick Lauer wrote:
And if you really absolutely have to do that you can change the sync
location on every disruptive change, but (imo) that should be

If mirroring and other practical concerns weren't an issue what you're essentially describing is just moving to a CVS/git/etc repository and using such a tool to do all the syncs (ie not using rsync at all). Then all you need is an update page that has a list of commands like:

emerge --sync --date "2008-01-01"

emerge -u world

emerge --sync --date "2008-08-10"

Follow this xorg update doc: <link>

emerge --sync --date "2034-04-02"

emerge -u portage so that you have support for the finally-approved glep55

And so on...  :)

That actually gives you a best-of-both-worlds option: continue to use rsync for normal use to ease distribution, but have a cvs tree that anybody can read from which could be used in upgrade guides for out-of-date users.

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