On 02/10/11 20:36, Diego Elio Pettenò wrote:
> Il giorno gio, 10/02/2011 alle 19.44 +0100, Krzysztof Pawlik ha scritto:
>> I don't agree with that - QA doesn't give anyone a silver bullet for
>> killing
>> whatever you want (or whatever you think should die). Maintainer must
>> be
>> *always* notified/pinged/mailed/im'ed/phoned/poked when his package is
>> going to
>> be masked & removed, if he's responsive then getting his ACK on the
>> matter
>> shouldn't be a problem, if not... at least you've tried. 
> Please make up your mind on what you don't agree with.

You've just removed the relevant quote, so let me add it again:

Diego: Sorry but it really matters very little whether maintainer acks at all,
*if the package fails to build*.
Andreas: <nothing for this line>
Me: I don't agree with that ... [cut]

Is that clear enough?

> We don't need the ACK but we don't go around masking packages just
> because we feel like it. What gets the "Masked for removal by QA"
> treatment doesn't need an ACK because it's always stuff that was left
> untouched for months if not years.
> To rephrase it so that you can get it:

(your caps lock is on, please turn it off, thank you)

> But when the package is unmaintained for months, we don't _need_ the
> ACK, nor we'd have to say "we're given the go by the maintainer" or
> "maintainer timeout". We simply don't do that if there *is* an active,
> interested maintainer.

I don't exactly see how what you've written is of any relevance to the main
point of this - the original issue was *extremely* simple: whenever maintainer's
(active, inactive, last maintainer, whatever) ACK should be mentioned in the
message that ends up in p.mask -- according to me and Andreas: yes. Look at it
as a kind of 'Signed-Off'.

Krzysztof Pawlik  <nelchael at gentoo.org>  key id: 0xF6A80E46
desktop-misc, java, vim, kernel, python, apache...

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