On 02/10/11 21:09, Samuli Suominen wrote:
> On 02/10/2011 10:01 PM, Krzysztof Pawlik wrote:
>> I don't exactly see how what you've written is of any relevance to the main
>> point of this - the original issue was *extremely* simple: whenever 
>> maintainer's
>> (active, inactive, last maintainer, whatever) ACK should be mentioned in the
>> message that ends up in p.mask -- according to me and Andreas: yes. Look at 
>> it
>> as a kind of 'Signed-Off'.
> it's already ack'd by 185475, 211262, 247268, 276220, 287751, 293501,
> 298109, 301729, 308801, 311763, 311765, 328691, 340605, 348483, 352506,
> 237366, and 250054.   no futher justification is required.

No. *None* of those bugs even *mentions* QA, the only thing I see is that peper@
really wants to be spanked (possibly with a sledgehammer or something else of
appropriate size and mass). If Piotr doesn't want to maintain those packages he
should send out an e-mail that there are a few packages up for grabs, not sit on
those bugs for >12 months. If we can't get new maintainer (or proxy-maintainer)
then you're free to kill them.

Anyway: looks like Ryan wants to take a look at those packages.

Krzysztof Pawlik  <nelchael at gentoo.org>  key id: 0xF6A80E46
desktop-misc, java, vim, kernel, python, apache...

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