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On 06/10/11 07:44, Sebastian Pipping wrote:
> On 06/09/2011 03:37 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
>> do we need some kind of policy around membership on "special"
>> project teams. QA and Devrel are the most obvious examples, Infra might
>> be another.
> in my eyes we do.  too much power to be unregulated.
> what does it take to get this rolling?

Part of me thinks this is a good idea for the simple reason that some
people seem to have issues with QA/DevRel. Perhaps if the lead were
"appointed by council" there would be less raging every time the team
tried to do anything. But then again, we can't all play nice over a
freaking ChangeLog, even with Council making the call, so I somehow
doubt this will fix *anything at all*

I do not want to see "elections" for 3 team leads. As far as I'm
concerned, it's way too much of a hassle. Having said that, council
appointments for the team lead may not be a bad idea. Maybe it will
work. I doubt it, but I'm open to try it. My fear there is I don't want
to see team leads changing every year just because there is a new
council. If the team is working well together, there is no sense in
fubaring that merely because we "can".

Perhaps do council appointments if the lead steps down / if the team
calls for a re-appointment (there would need to be rules for this part.
I don't want to see a new "appointee" merely because the lead upset one
person. Perhaps if more than 50% of the team or like 10 other developers
are asking for a new lead or some such foo.)

Also, while I like the idea of "cleaning" out those teams once in a
while for inactive members, I'm not a huge fan of a new lead coming in
and removing people from the team just because.

Lastly, given that it will be the lead for a given team, I think that
team should have the ability to pick their "candidates" to go to
council, and maybe just give Council the vote on who gets it. Or, have
council appoint people they think are fit, and the team can vote from
there. Either way I think would work alright.

Just my 2 cents.
- -- 
Dane Smith (c1pher)
Gentoo Linux Developer -- QA / Crypto / Sunrise / x86
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