Robin H. Johnson wrote:
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 11:49:38AM -0500, William Hubbs wrote:
I am concerned about /var being included in this because of the
potential of filling up the root partition.
Err, I don't follow. How does mounting /var fill up the root partition?

If you take /var off its own partition and put it on /, then it will fill up / instead of /var. Filling up /var, not the end of the world. Filling up / is a bad thing.

BTW, I have /var on its own partition. This moving things to / and not being able to have /usr, /var and such makes me really nervous. I have about double the needed space on /var and I still have had it fill up not once but several times. Think OOo build here. If /var didn't have its own partition, I would have had a crashed system and would have had to use a another bootable medium to clean out some stuff so it would boot again. I'm just glad I am setting at my system. If it was remote, I would be VERY pissed at whoever started this / only stuff.

I guess next /home will have to be on / too. Since everything else is moving that way, why not. May as well lose everything and be done with it. Right?

Just a users point of view. A long time Gentoo user I might add. I still have my 1.4 CD.


:-)  :-)

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