On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 05:12:28PM +0000, Ciaran McCreesh wrote

> This whole thing is just an exercise in trying to find excuses not to
> use GLEP 55.

  A filename should not be (ab)used as a database.  The main argument for
GLEP 55 is that it would make ebuild-processing generic.  I.e. making
ebuild info available to whatever future ebuild processor replacement
for bash was used.  A couple of comments...

1) Let's talk generic.  Right now, we're talking about EAPI.  In future,
what other (meta)data and characteristics will we need to know?  What
else will be tacked onto the filename?  EAPI, and any other critical
(meta)data should be declared early on in the ebuild.  That's what the
ebuild is for.

2) Any potential ebuild processor that's incapable of looking for regex
"^EAPI=" in a textfile, amd parsing the numbers that follow, has no
business being used to process ebuilds.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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