Zac Medico posted on Wed, 14 Mar 2012 10:52:48 -0700 as excerpted:

> On 03/14/2012 05:00 AM, James Cloos wrote:
>>>>>>> "MS" == Marc Schiffbauer <> writes:
>> MS> IIRC usr = unified system resources (not an abbrev. for "user")

>> Before sysv created /home, bsd used /usr for user dirs.

> Anyway, "unified system resources" makes a great retro-active acronym,
> don't you think? What's in a name?

It does, especially when it's literally the case, including a /usr/etc 
bind-mounted on a tmpfs-based rootfs, that by login time, all that's 
visible of rootfs is mountpoints, nothing else, and /usr literally IS the 
"unified system resource" filesystem.

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