Am Montag, 17. Dezember 2012, 11:11:38 schrieb Tomáš Chvátal:
> Hi lads,
> lately I am having bit of problems from getting relevant debug info from
> users.
> Since we already have splitdebug for quite time (and I suppose quite
> few of us are using it) how about making it to default profiles
> default enabled and add -g to default cflags. Currently it is only
> enabled in the developer profile.
> This results in 2 gb data in /usr/lib/debug for my system which is not
> (snip)

Hello Tomáš,

on my system I have set up everything with splitdebug enabled. My CFLAGS use -
march=native, -O2 and -ggdb.
And this is the result: (Yes, I have a dedictated partition for that.)

 ~ $ LC_ALL=C df -h /usr/lib/debug/.
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda10       25G   22G  1.7G  93% /usr/lib64/debug

This is a full KDE-4.9.4 system with a total
of 1,807 packages installed.

I guess the regular user would end up somewhere between your 2G and my 22G.
But I bet it will be slightly more likely my end, wouldn't it?




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