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On 09/01/13 11:21 PM, Daniel Campbell wrote:
>> [1] 
>> http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames
> So long as users retain the choice of keeping eth* or wlan*, no 
> complaints from me. I (and others) came to Gentoo to get away from 
> systemd, and this smells of a systemd-ism. Will eudev be pursuing
> this as well?

The eudev team hasn't discussed it yet, but it's on the agenda for our
next meeting.  I believe that we will be implementing the
functionality (probably by default) in the eudev software package, but
we will not be enabling this by default in the eudev ebuilds (at
least, not any time soon).

Also of note, though, is that the eudev package (and ebuild) will
still have available (although not by default) the old legacy
persistent-net functionality.  I am planning to update the rules
generator for this to use the same attributes as the new method
though, which should be theoretically more reliable than the old

- ---

Finally, something that wasn't mentioned yet -- if a user has / still
uses a 75-persistent-net.rules from old udev's, or any custom
iface-naming rules, then the new 80-net-name-slot.rules will also not
take effect on any of the interfaces that were named in these other rules.

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