On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 2:46 PM, Andreas K. Huettel
<dilfri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2013, 14:57:16 schrieb Ben de Groot:
>> After some initial bikeshedding we came to the conclusion that naming
>> the category simply "qt" is the most elegant solution. We will then
>> also be dropping the qt- prefix in package names. This means
>> x11-libs/qt-core will be moved to qt/core, and so on.
> Please don't.
> This is not about standards, but about consistency. About everyone else uses
> the two-part category-names witha-dash. Why can't you? It is what I would
> immediately expect, instead of a "hyper-toplevel" "qt".
> My suggestion would be qt-base (analogous to kde-base, gnome-base, gnustep-
> base, lxde-base, and xfce-base) for everything that is part of the main Qt
> release.

I'd actually argue that qt/core qt/base and other such 'package names'
are in fact a better reason why this is a terrible idea. Remember that
in some places (like emerge) the category is optional.

emerge core base => not obvious


> --
> Andreas K. Huettel
> Gentoo Linux developer
> dilfri...@gentoo.org
> http://www.akhuettel.de/

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