On 19 January 2013 03:22, Christoph Junghans <ott...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> 2013/1/17 Ben de Groot <yng...@gentoo.org>:
>> After some initial bikeshedding we came to the conclusion that naming
>> the category simply "qt" is the most elegant solution. We will then
>> also be dropping the qt- prefix in package names. This means
>> x11-libs/qt-core will be moved to qt/core, and so on.
> -1
> I don't like the idea of emerging gui instead qt-qui.

The thing is you would practically never have to do this. Users
install apps that have a number of qt modules as dependencies. These
qt modules in turn cannot be updated individually (unless there is an
ebuild revision bump), but will be included in a world update as a

And if you really must, is emerge qt/gui so much more difficult than
emerge qt-gui?


Ben | yngwin
Gentoo developer
Gentoo Qt project lead, Gentoo Wiki admin

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