Mike Gilbert:
> On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Felix Kuperjans
> <fe...@desaster-games.com> wrote:
>> Samuli Suominen wrote:
>>> please review this news item, seems we need one after all
>> Hello Samuli,
>> /dev/root is no longer available in this udev version, so people who put
>> this in their /etc/fstab might end up with an unbootable system.
>> I suggest including in the news item, that /dev/root must be replaced
>> with the actual root device or LABEL=..., UUID=... and the like in
>> /etc/fstab.
> fstab is not consulted for mounting the root filesystem, so it doesn't
> really matter what you have in there. Either the kernel mounts it
> based on the kernel command line, or your initramfs mounts it based on
> whatever your /init programs does.
Well, *if* a line with /dev/root is present in /etc/fstab, the system
does not boot up properly (tested it right now).
I always though such a line in /etc/fstab is needed so that fsck is run
on the root filesystem...

Removing the line completely boots up fine, but the filesystem has not
been fscked on boot.


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