On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 09:25:37PM -0500, Michael Mol wrote:
> 2) Is it possible to slot mit-krb5 and heimdal instead of pulling them
> through a virtual? My suspicion is "no", but I don't know enough about
> kerberos to say whether or not it would work, even as a hack.

You can't eselect the kerberos implementation under an application.
These two packages do provide different symbols.

And you can't just make both packages installable concurrently and hope
everything works out.  There are too many assumptions built into too
many applications about what library from which package provides what
symbol.  That way lies madness.

The bugs you mantion are old ones.  I suggest you (and net-fs and samba
herds) to check if they still apply and if they do see what prevents the
said package from using the alternative implementation and solve it
there - where it really belongs anyway.

Eray Aslan <e...@gentoo.org>

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