On 02/25/13 01:43, Alec Warner wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 11:21 PM, Matthew Thode
> <prometheanf...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> On 02/24/13 20:25, Michael Mol wrote:
>>> (I really don't have time to actively participate on this list right
>>> now, but I believe that if I bring it up on b.g.o, I'll be directed
>>> here, so...)
>>> So I'm playing with net-fs/samba-4.0.3, AD and kerberos, and tried to
>>> enable kerberos system-wide on my server.
>>> No joy, as net-fs/nfs-utils has an explicit dependency on
>>> app-crypt/mit-krb5 (bug 231936) and net-fs/samba-4.0.3 depends on
>>> app-crypt/heimdal (for reasons noted in bug 195703, comment 25).
>>> Questions:
>>> 1) If upstream isn't going to support mit-krb5, then use of samba-4.0.3
>>> and kerberos demands that things with explicit dependencies on mit-krb5
>>> either be fixed or not used at all.
>>> I'm the first activity on bug 231936 in two years...could someone please
>>> look into that one?
>>> 2) Is it possible to slot mit-krb5 and heimdal instead of pulling them
>>> through a virtual? My suspicion is "no", but I don't know enough about
>>> kerberos to say whether or not it would work, even as a hack.
>>> I'm sure explicit dependencies on mit-krb5 and heimdal will continue to
>>> crop up, so (and forgive the nausea this might cause) it might help to
>>> slot mit and heimdal, and have virtual/krb5 depend on the presence of at
>>> least one.
>> so, read the thread so far, and I think you are over-complicating things
>> with slotting.  I use kerberos at home (more or less just to learn it,
>> worksforme, etc).  I chose MIT.  From what I understand MIT and heimdal
>> are mutually exclusive (can not operate with eachother) and that heimdal
>> is what windows uses.
> This is incorrect, or at least, was incorrect last time I looked
> (circa...uhh..2009?)

well, that was right around the time I installed it, so guess that makes

> They work 'ok' together. Heimdal clients could talk to MIT servers at
> least. Of course, there were quirks, and incompatible command line
> syntax, hence my fierce recommendation to 'not do that.'
>> What this seems to be is a simple case of blockers.  So, the quesiton
>> is, are you going to be using kerberos in nfs? if not, masking the flag
>> may be what works for you (in the short term at least).  Longer term it
>> sounds like maybe seperate use flags are in order (or something, dunno).
> Do not use Kerberized NFSv3. I'm unsure if nfsv4 is any better :/
> -A
>> I don't think samba will support MIT, since it's kinda windows focused.
>> On another note, I can't find bug 231936.
>> --
>> -- Matthew Thode (prometheanfire)

-- Matthew Thode (prometheanfire)

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