On Wed, 8 May 2013 13:37:51 -0400
Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Bottom line is that none of this should really be inconveniencing
> maintainers much - nobody is required to create unit files.  However,
> if a friendly user submits a bug with one attached, then the
> maintainer should strongly consider adding them to the package at the
> next convenient time.

Indeed no maintainer should be bothered with having his package install
a unit file, though two points.

A maintainer usually dislikes adding something contributed by a user
that he doesn't know about / can't verify . So letting systemd herd
picking unit files and committing them I think is reasonable. The
chance for screwing with a package by just adding the unit file are
close to zero even if not familiar with the package.

The other thing is those unit files really should come from upstream
and other distributions urge their developers to work with upstream [1]
Therefore I'd require an upstream bug for each unit that we add.

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Systemd#Unit_Files

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