On 21/05/2013 05:03, Daniel Campbell wrote:
> That's missing the point. If you don't run systemd, having unit files is
> pointless. Thankfully there's INSTALL_MASK and whatnot, but that seems
> like a hack instead of something more robust. Why include systemd unit
> files (by default, with no systemd USE flag, thanks to the council...)
> on a system that's not using it? 154 files isn't negligible unless
> you're flippant with your system and don't care about bloat. Unused
> software sitting around *is* a waste of disk-space.
> Some people (like myself) came to Gentoo to avoid putting systemd on
> their systems and to make use of the great choice that Gentoo allows.
> This push to make systemd a "first level citizen" or whatever reeks of
> marketing. If there is desire among users for unit files, they can
> contact upstream or maintain their own set of unit files. It's not like
> they're hard to write.

<amused long-term user chipping in>

This is such a weak argument it's quite laughable.

I don't like gnu info files. Neither me nor anyone I know can figure out
how to drive info. So, let's rip all the info files out of every
package; leaving the 3 users who do know info free to grab their copies
from upstream. I mean it's not like it's hard or anything, and info
files are easy to write.

Daniel, you should just get over it. Having choices means you let the
other guy have his choices too. Sometimes that means you have to let
that guy have a little bit of his infra lying around so his choice is
possible. And no-one ever said having choices means your exact personal
preferences wrt every little thing will be baked in.

Alan McKinnon

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