On 01/08/13 19:54, Samuli Suominen wrote:
> still, first the patch goes upstream and after upstream review and 
> commit to git it goes in tree otherwise we opt to the fallback and
> disable udev from lvm2/cryptsetup when USE=static is enabled (like
> cryptsetup upstream suggested to me) gentoo-specific patches mangling
> namespace of udev, kmod, whatever doesn't sound good at all however
> working it with upstream sounds great

I just spent an evening introducing a friend willing to have a look the
codebase. My solution to the problem of clashing symbols had been 3 fold:

- many functions are small and already inline, they are using in the
tool (bad practice IMHO) and in the library once. Making them static is
easy and works.

- some functions are using inside the library a couple of times, adding
an (ugly) privkm_ is enough to avoid the problem.

- some functions were used just in the tool and not in the library,
moved where it belongs.

Instead of running around in circles screaming static linking is unholy
fixing it that way wouldn't had take much...

I won't expect upstream picking up what Federico wrote anytime out of
pride more than technical merit.


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