El vie, 09-08-2013 a las 12:22 +0200, Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn
> Ok so we have these options:
> 1. keep systemd as hard dependency (current)
> 2. IUSE="+systemd" or "openrc-force" with ewarn when set to unsupported state
> 3. #2 + systemd in package.use.force, can be unforced via profile or manually
> 4. #2 + openrc-force in package.use.mask, can be unmasked by the user
> In any case, a user running Gnome without systemd will have to take extra
> actions that acknowledge that his configuration is unsupported.
> Question is, which solutions are acceptable to the Gnome team? :)
> Best regards,
> Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn

I vote for the openrc-force in package.use.mask, relying on people
unmasking it locally after knowing what problems will hit:

The systemd USE flag issue is already being worked in:

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