On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 3:51 AM, Samuli Suominen <ssuomi...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> I've been considering packaging systemd in sys-fs/udev with USE="systemd"
> and use of 'if' and 'else' plus creating virtual/systemd for proper /
> installation and some other minor, but bad design choices done in the
> systemd packaging

What is the consensus of the systemd team regarding those choices?
Would it make more sense to just fix the packaging rather than forking
it?  I'm not sure what all the issues are, or how widespread the
disagreement is.

As far as installation in / vs /usr goes - that seems like something
that could be made configurable in the systemd package.  I believe
others have been wondering if an optional usr-move config setting of
some kind (might or might not be a USE flag) would be useful.  The
profile default would be for things to stay as they are, but those who
want to do a move could set the flag.  That is worth some further
discussion before implementing it - it might also make sense to
install compatibility symlinks in / when using it unless it is
detected that / already contains symlinks (individual symlinks is not
how Fedora is proposing handling the move, but I would think that it
would work and it has the virtue of letting users migrate bit by bit
until / is empty and they can replace the root dirs with symlinks).


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