On Thu, Aug 08, 2013 at 09:40:00PM +0100, Mike Auty wrote

> So there's lots of people that don't want systemd.  Can't we group
> together and have some kind of an affect on upstream?

  The answer is... probably not, given the "My way or the Highway"
attitude of the GNOME developers.

GNOME users who are unhappy about systemd, are being forced to choose...

* either they run GNU/Linu-x

* or else they run GNOME/Lenna-x

...pick 1 of the above.

> Is there some way, we as the Gentoo Foundation, Developers or even
> just Users can form a petition, or an open letter, that might make
> enough impact on the Gnome foundation for them to reconsider their
> position?

  Again, no, they haven't listened to end users in the past, and they
will not listen to end users now.  Even more so if you're a 


> Perhaps if there were an "init system specification" project, separate
> from systemd, that systemd had to adhere to rather than deciding to
> change the rules at a random version (like 205), then Gnome could
> potentially have other options than just systemd?

  Again, how do you force a rogue upstream development team to follow
*YOUR* rules?  Answer; you can't.  If you want GNOME-like "goodness",
consider Cinnamon/Consort/Mate/Kate/etc/etc.  I'm a neutral observer of
this entire mess... see my sig.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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