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On 10/08/13 23:42, Wulf C. Krueger wrote:
> On 09.08.2013 02:26, Mike Auty wrote:
>> I could be a KDE developer, or a Gentoo documenter, or work on 
>> mplayer.  All those people are open source contributors and 
>> necessary ones, but that doesn't mean that any of them
>> necessarily has the skills or the time to look after udev.  Does
>> that invalidate their opinion on the choices of upstream project
>> they rely on?
> Yes, it does.

In that situation then, developers are only developing for themselves?
 What's more likely is that they've taken a gamble that most users
will simply accept their changes, which they deem as necessary to move

That would be fine if there were alternative options, but as more and
more things are "vertically integrated" the choices made by one
project are knocking over into others.  Before I could simply ignore
systemd and choose something else, now I'm having to choose between
using both Gnome and systemd, or neither.

It is a difficult choice, but just as Gnome has chosen to forsake my
desire for a simplistic init system at the expense of a little boot
speed and some "features" I've never needed in the past, I'm having to
walk away to some other less well developed desktop environment.  The
cost of ignoring their users opinions is losing the users themselves.
 I don't know how many users they'll have to lose before someone
decides to take the ship in a new direction, but I would like to see
how many they stand to lose, by asking those who care to speak up and
find a way of being heard before the damage is too much to repair...

Mike  5:\
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