On Wed, 14 Aug 2013 21:59:37 +0200
hasufell <hasuf...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > You're fundamentally misunderstanding how PMS and Gentoo development
> > works.
> I think you are fundamentally misunderstanding. I think gentoo should
> stop supporting downstreams IF supporting them means blocking
> progress.

What's this got to do with anything we're discussing? PMS isn't a
"downstream". It's what the Council decided is allowed in the tree. Or
are you suggesting the Council is somehow a downstream that is blocking
progress? I don't follow what you're implying here.

> >> And their lack of time (to be polite) should not block general
> >> progress in gentoo.
> > 
> >
> > Perhaps these basic notions of how Gentoo development works
> You certainly are not an authority when it comes to that question...

Well no, but I did create and write large parts of the devmanual, and I
proposed and wrote the original developer quiz, and was involved in the
original decision to move to a documented package format, and wrote
part of the GLEP governing how the Council operates, and wrote a large
part of PMS, and designed or codesigned a fair number of the new
features that have been introduced to the format since then, and have a
few GLEPS with my name on them. So I'd hope I can safely claim that I'm
not prone to some of basic misunderstandings about how Gentoo works
that have been exhibited in this thread.

Ciaran McCreesh

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