On 29 September 2013 09:14, Martin Vaeth

> this dependency will install for a user with
> unstable keywords

That, in itself, indicates the user is usually OK with "new versions of
things" ;)

corelist -a says virtual/perl-Digest-MD5-2.520.0 should || (  perl v5.18 )

Though that virtual is already stable, and as a result, will result in the
installation of that version of Digest::MD5 on perl versions <5.17

2.530.0 won't be in perl till 5.19+

One other reason you might want to consider that its *good* that we upgrade
things from perl to versions in perl-core/*.

CVEs. If a security hole is exposed in a version of something that is
shipped with perl, we can simply adjust the virtual and get it to pull in a
newer version via perl-core/*

Here, the "unnecessary" dependency could in fact be nessecary to avoid a
security hole in an older version that may be shipped with perl.

And in such a case, its "good" that installing foo, that depends on
"virtual/perl-SOMETHINGBROKEN" gets you a version more recent than in perl


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