08.11.2013 09:04, Johann Schmitz пишет:
> On 07.11.2013 21:18, Rich Freeman wrote:
>> Seriously, though, I'd love to see these needs better supported.
>> I think we need to start by defining what the needs actually are
>> (less redundancy, more consistency, etc).  Then we figure out how
>> to best address them.  It could be individuals donating VMs, or it
>> might be Gentoo buying resources from any number of vendors, or it
>> could be Gentoo going out and looking for donors.
> I agree with that. It's easier to decide what to do if we know what we
> need. A solution built by the infra team would be the best solution
> for the same reasons why it's better to put stuff on the devspace
> instead of private servers (availabilty; who can fix stuff, logins, etc).
> But if someone need resources and a box to play with I would happily
> provide an Xen instance. Just wondering: How is the AT for $minorarch
> done? Is it possible to run, say, mips on xen/whatever through some
> emulation layer or is real hardware a requirement for this archs?
> For the security concerns: I think these boxes should be used for
> testing only and not for development - every commit must be done from
> a box fully under the dev's control.

Usually it is done via qemu, but as was said - it is damn slow. I use
qemu for emulating ARM device for compilation, cause it's faster than
compile on device(Raspberry Pi) itself mostly because of I/O.

Best regards, Sergey Popov
Gentoo developer
Gentoo Desktop-effects project lead
Gentoo Qt project lead
Gentoo Proxy maintainers project lead

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