>>>>> On Mon, 13 Jan 2014, Tom Wijsman wrote:

>> I've started collecting things already some months ago:
>> http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Future_EAPI/EAPI_6_tentative_features

> Just for reference: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=174380

> According to [1] there are besides the tracker a 78 bugs open, of
> which the Gentoo Wiki page has tentatively selected a 16 bugs (till
> Sep 2013); which means that there are a 52 bugs unconsidered so far.

I'm well aware of this. The features listed at the wiki page are the
ones that a) have been discussed, e.g. in the -dev ML, and where (by
my subjective judgement) there is consensus that they belong in the
next EAPI, b) where we have at least a rough idea how the
specification should look like, and c) that can be implemented in
finite time.

Feel free to lobby for any of the 52 additional features if you
believe that it is missing. (Preferably, patches for PMS and for
Portage should be provided. ;-)

> I'd think that looking at that either EAPI 6 will be big, or
> otherwise an EAPI 7 would follow in the very near future...

>  [1]: https://bugs.gentoo.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=future%20eapi


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