On 15 September 2014 11:15, W. Trevor King <wk...@tremily.us> wrote:

> All cherry-pick and am do is apply one commit's diff to a different
> parent.  Changing the parent hash (which is stored in the commit body
> [1]), so old signatures won't apply to the new commit.  If there have
> been other tree changes between the initial parent and the new parent,
> the tree hash will also change, which would also break old signatures.
> None of that has anything to do with a malicious blob being pushed
> into the tree disguised as a same-hashed good blob.  Such a blob will
> *not* break any signatures, since GnuPG is *never hashing the blob
> contents* when signing commits [1,2].  You're only signing the commit
> object, not the tree and blob objects referenced by that commit.
> Cheers,
> Trevor

And given that the method of "security" against attacks is established by a
chain of custody from a signed commit, through multiple child unsigned SHA1
objects, having a parent being an unsigned commit is no *less* secure than
having a tree or file blob being unsigned, it doesn't make perfect sense to
me that "all" commits have to be signed.  ( Because doing so doesn't give
the benefit of security we think it does ).

Thus, a "I signed this commit, establishing a chain of trust relying on
SHA1 integrity to the previous signed commit" is all that seems truly
necessary. Anything else is decreased utility with no increase in security.


*KENTNL* - https://metacpan.org/author/KENTNL

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