>>>>> On Thu, 13 Nov 2014, Michael Palimaka wrote:

> Suggested policy to get the ball rolling:

> In general, a package must explicitly depend upon what it directly
> uses. However, to avoid ebuild complexity and developer burden there
> are some exceptions. Packages that appear in the base system set may
> be omitted from an ebuild's dependency list in the following
> circumstances:

> * C compiler and runtime

> * C++ compiler and runtime

> * A POSIX-compliant shell

> * bash, baselayout, binutils, coreutils, findutils, grep, make

awk? diffutils? texinfo?

> * Any archive tools (eg. tar, bzip2, xz-utils) where used for
> unpacking SRC_URI only

> * Any command guaranteed by PMS at build-time only (eg. sed, patch)

> Note that in some cases it might be necessary to explicitly specify
> a dependency that's listed above, such as when a specific
> implementation is required (eg. a binary package requiring glibc).


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