On 11/13/2014 08:01 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 9:38 PM, Michael Palimaka <kensing...@gentoo.org> 
> wrote:
>> On 14/11/14 11:06, Rich Freeman wrote:
>>> Well, the idea would be to maintain the virtual INSTEAD of @system, or
>>> have @system just pull in the virtual and make some arch-specific
>>> additions.
>> Will that work? Some profiles remove packages from the base @system and
>> replace it with their own implementations (eg. BSD).
> Maybe.  The thing is that a package either depends on something or it
> doesn't.  If it really does depend on something, then the fact that it
> isn't available on BSD/etc isn't going to magically make the package
> work.  We just loosely define system dependencies in a way that makes
> them work 98% of the time, basically accepting that things are going
> to break and we get away with it because few of our users actually run
> on BSD/etc.
> If it is just a matter of preference then a profile could install an
> alternative package that is in a virtual.  However, this won't work if
> everybody still uses some convenience virtual that pulls in bash/etc
> and the BSD folks don't want to install bash unnecessarily.

Maybe I'm missing something, but if you are using virtuals, then you can
make the deps conditional on profile forced/masked flags like
userland_BSD and userland_GNU if necessary. These behave like normal USE
flags, aside from the fact the they are forced or masked by profiles.

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