> I had been trying to push the idea of creating an united FOSS community
> to solve problems of the higher school of the Russian Federation. But
> such initiatives faded due to absence of support of top executives… And
> now (according to e.g. [1]) it won't be a problem, IMHO.

It would. Just because of the fact, that "top executives" (in Education Dept, 
in regional ministerys and so on) is that kind of clerks, that WOULDN'T accept 
anything if it is impossible to get (read as "steal") some money in personal.

> And I'd prefer
> make a distribution for the higher shool based on Gentoo Linux.

I'd also prefer, but it is not that possible as you imagine. There is such 
thing as certification in Federal Security Service (FSB) and so on. And there 
is only two such distributions: Alt Linux and Rosa Linux (if not talking about 
GPL-violating MSVS and Elbrus OS with unknown status of GPL violation (since 
I'm not ready to pay $5k just to check if sources will be included there)).

> So
> here's the Question:
> Does anybody interested in creating a consortium to send an application
> to the Ministry of Communications?

I'm partially interested to mentally maintain that, but I have to free time to 
activelly do anything in personal (but, probably, will be fine in a group).
And, except of that, I even very interested in "in-place" integration, 
because: 1) I'm Gentoo-affiliated IT company CEO (and intereted in Gentoo 
popularity, and have legal possibility for in-place integration in the city I 
live now), 2) I'm a thrice father and dislike the idea my children will be 
forced to learn some M$-produced bloatware. That's why I very like the idea of 
FLOSS/Linuxes at all (and Gentoo in particular) in the schools.
But, as I said, I doubt in success of that operation. But... Let the Force be 
with us...

P.S. I'd not use politic-related phrases (like "import software substitution") 
in international communities at all and here in particular.

Best regards,

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